Africa is indeed the fastest growing economy today

If you are in doubt, just look at all the summits around the globe to which our leaders are now invited. The million-dollar question however is, “Who will benefit from this economic growth?” Whenever I see Chinese drivers, masons, electricians, petty traders in our countries, I wonder why they are allowed to do these jobs that should be reserved for local people. A discussion with an African engineer in construction helped me understand how difficult it is to get skilled, versatile local people.

Africa’s economic growth is not just a news element, yet not many seem to be ready to embrace the opportunities. Getting ready implies that we plan accordingly. Will we be ready to embrace the opportunities in 2035?

The youth of Africa represents more than sixty-two percent of the continent’s population; 600 million is below the age of 25years. Among this population, how many are being given the right education, technical, vocational, formal or informal training? How do we get ready? The priority in every single country should be on education. We should all strive to upgrade our knowledge, access information, train to be better than we are today. We should all leverage our talent and energy to create dramatically higher levels of prosperity and equality.

Youth of Rwanda, youth of Africa, there is no need to take the risk of losing one’s life on the shores of different oceans thinking the pastures are greener on the other side. The future is here – in Rwanda, in Africa! Things are changing and the world will actually come here for the same green pastures many think are on the other side. It is for these reasons that it is crucial we all get involved in preparing ourselves and get ready for the numerous opportunities to come. No day should be wasted. Use each single day to learn something new. Knowledge is power and information is key. Invest in them. Don’t wait for others to bring you that knowledge. We hope the information and knowledge we are offering you in this issue will help you shape your understanding of the businesses environment in Rwanda.

Airtel has been working very hard to get grounded on the Rwandan market and we are extremely happy to share insights from their Managing Director with you. We have also compiled more than 30 articles in English, French and Kinyarwanda so that you can upgrade your skills on matters that will help you become more efficient in your work.

Remember that the future of your life, family, community, country and continent depends on what you and I do each single day. Let’s get prepared for tomorrow. The future will only be bright for those who have prepared themselves. Be on that boat – luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.

Enjoy the reading.

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