December 21, 2012 0

In our last issue, we looked at ten simple rules for a successful start-up. Starting a business is the most challenging decision to take, especially when you have been in…

Développer son leadership

December 20, 2012 0

John Maxwell disait : « Tout, bien ou mal, dépend du leadership », il devient donc capital voire indispensable d’avoir des leaders à tous les niveaux de nos organisations pour…

Isange One Stop Centre

December 18, 2012 0

ISANGE ONE STOP CENTREQ&A with Shafiga Murebwayire, Coordinator of Isange One Stop Centre TSM: How many cases of GBV does the center receive?SHAFIGA: On average, we receive eight victims daily.…

Since 2008, UNFPA worked together with UNICEF and UN Women in a joint approach. We started with an overall assessment with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) on…