Isange One Stop Centre

December 18, 2012 0

ISANGE ONE STOP CENTREQ&A with Shafiga Murebwayire, Coordinator of Isange One Stop Centre TSM: How many cases of GBV does the center receive?SHAFIGA: On average, we receive eight victims daily.…

Since 2008, UNFPA worked together with UNICEF and UN Women in a joint approach. We started with an overall assessment with the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion (MIGEPROF) on…

Inzozi Inziza, Butare

December 17, 2012 0

Inzozi Inziza, Butare Inzozi Inziza is a social enterprise run by the all-woman drummer group, Ingoma Nshya, as an initiative to generate additional income for their families. Inzozi Inziza is…

In the last issue I wrote about how small companies (and even big ones) can utilize social media in service delivery. Some of ‘The ServiceMag’ readers thought that I probably…

To Our Readers

December 17, 2012 0

Welcome to our hub for letters to the editor and Web-exclusive features that highlight reader responses to TSM. In addition to letters to the editor, which run online and in…