Sonorwa Repositions

June 17, 2013 0

 …to lead from the FRONT!Mandatory Medical Liability Insurance Although the health status of the Rwandan population has improved significantly in recent years, it remains insufficient. Rwanda’s health system is financed…

RWANDA SOCIAL SECURITY BOARD RSSB takes the ideals of QUALITY MEDICAL INSURANCE SERVICES to the next level Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) was formed in 2011after the merger of two…

BPR Call Center

March 7, 2013 0

  BPR Call Center – Doing ordinary things in an extraordinary manner Banque Populaire Rwanda (BPR), best known as the People’s Bank,is the largest retail bank in Rwanda with 190…

On 1st May which is the ‘International Labor Day’ BRD rewarded the company’s most exemplary employees for an outstanding performance. The ServiceMag’s Runanira Richmond talked to BRD’s Marketing Manager and…