The Value of Teamwork

June 17, 2013 0

  If you want to walk fast, walk alone; if you want to walk far, walk together: This South African proverb summarises teamwork as a recipe for success. When I…

  Mu mezi make ashize, nabonye ikibazo cyabajijwe n’umusomyi umwe abaza niba koko abantu bakora mu buvuzi barebwa n’iby’imitangirwe ya serivisi biri gushishikarizwa. iki kibazo gifite ishingiro kuko abantu benshi…


March 12, 2013 0

The Magical and Dreaded Process in SalesBy Martin Kairu Many sales men are scared of asking, whether it is for business or for anything they want from their client. They…

The Power of Optimism

March 12, 2013 0

The Power of Optimism By John Kageche Optimism. Such a powerful word.It evokes positive feelings of hope, faith, expectation, anticipation, purpose. And what is optimism? Merriam-Webster dictionary says: “an inclination…