FESPAD 2013…Take a break, Dance! This one says it all, big thumbs up to FESPAD and the organisers Hard to tell who was having more fund, the…
TSM attended the launch of the International Hospitality Academy a collaboration between Heaven Restaurant and KaziBora Management Consulting Group. The venture will provide an accelerated training boot camp for future…
A place for all your pictures! We want to publish photos of your favourite places to stay, bars, restaurants and clubs and YOU! Send them to [email protected] July 13 –…
“Rich men don’t get rich from spending” a message from theatre team demonstrating how working with banks makes people grow economically. The ceremony has been…
“Marriedcouples should usefamily planning methodshowever, I am not supportiveof abortion, even if you didn’t planfor a pregnancy. It is good to takemeasures to prevent having manychildren that you are not…