Sometimes really good customer service is difficult to find. So when you do receive it, it makes you want to tell people about it.

My Macbook Pro busted right when I got here due to a manufacturer defect. I took it to Pavan, the guy who runs ‘Elite Digital Rwanda’ and he immediately, contacted Apple Inc and went through a long process to get a new motherboard sent out to me free of charge (to replace it myself would have cost more than 800 USD). Then when it got here he installed it and delivered my new, working Mac Book Pro, back to me.

Since then I have taken all of my Apple products to him whenever I have an issue, and he’s never let me down. He knows customer service well and how to treat his customers right so that they keep coming back.

He’s got a store now in Kigali City Tower and I surely recommend him for all things Apple.

[email protected]

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