Maybe you are a landlord or you are among the many tenants that continue to suffer silently as a result of having “rogue” landlords on the loose; I think this issue has to be addressed!
There is a need for some sort of regulation/housing policy that offers protection to tenants and landlords a like from rip off by some ‘want-to-get quick’ landlords!
How on earth do you ask for house rent of $1,300 and even $2000 and demand for more than 5 months deposit of that amount? Some have even gone to an extent of asking for a full year advance payment for the rent of this amount! Seriously? And the sad thing is that there is nowhere to run to as a tenant looking for a roof to shelter.
Someone needs to tell some of the landlords with this mindset that yes, they own what we desperately need but they should be human and understand that there is no tree where people go to pluck money. Oh how I wish there was!
Maybe I am misjudging you, but if you are a landlord and you are reading this, we would be more than glad to have you justify to us why you do this.
say we are, let us look for and use all the available platforms to help those who are in need of homes but cannot be able to make it due to this issue.
There aren’t many residential houses in Rwanda especially those for middle-income people or single people, so there has to be a way of protecting everyone.
There needs to be regulations, rules to tame the “rogue” landlords!