Q&A with Shafiga Murebwayire, Coordinator of Isange One Stop Centre

TSM: How many cases of GBV does the center receive?
SHAFIGA: On average, we receive eight victims daily. Statistics at the centre indicate that women (including children) account for 88.9%, men (including children) account for 11.2% while children (female and male) account for 49%.

TSM: What is the most common case of abuse among children, women and men.
SHAFIGA: Children cases treated at the centre are mostly a result of sexual assault. The biggest numbers of women are victims of physical violence and men emotional violence (Domestic violence).

TSM: How do you handle child abuse cases?
SHAFIGA: When counseling children, we use ‘child therapy’ that is unique in its methodology. Treatment and follow up for children requires that their parents are involved, as they facilitate information collection for the Doctor. Parents are also expected to be present to assist children with acquiring the necessary medical and legal evidence that can be used in the courts of law—all these are done in the presence of a Social Worker.

TSM: What is the major challenge of dealing with GBV victims at the Isange OSC?
SHAFIGA: The biggest challenge is delayed reporting of abuse which leads to the loss of evidence and consequently suspects walk free as they cannot be convicted in courts of law without proof of a crime.

TSM: Why is visiting the Isange OSC important?
SHAFIGA: This important as all the services at the Isange OSC are interconnected, a multi- disciplinary approach is used, it calls for different disciplines to get involved in responding and provision of a holistic care to victims. This quickens the process and allows us to respond urgently in a professional way while maintaining high confidentiality as we meet the needs of survivors of violence.

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