…to lead from the FRONT!
Mandatory Medical Liability Insurance
Jacob Erhabor, Acting Managing Director of Sonarwa General Insurance believes that with the new policy on mandatory medical liability insurance, the sector is now well poised to witness the quality of service delivery and professionalism that are comparable with the ones obtainable in the advanced economies of the world.
“Every health professional, whether public or private,
must take out insurance from a state-authorized insurance company,” Erhabor quoted article 14 of the new medical liability insurance law that was released by the government in January this year and already gazzeted.
The law goes on to say that medical doctors of various specializations, nurses, pharmacists and other paramedics are by this development statutorily required to maintain appropriate professional liability insurance covers which can be called upon in the event of any proven professional negligence on the part of the medical professional concerned.
This is when sonarwa’s sterling insurance cover kicks in for the protection of the medical professional concerned subject to the limit of the cover in place-the sum insured This will inevitably help to raise the bar with regard to duty of care, customer care and quality of service delivery by medical professionals across the length and breadth of Rwanda.
Sonarwa is in the fore front in the sensitization of this development to the stakeholders and the CEO was excited about the inquiries they have been receiving from various professionals in the medical field concerning the product.
The medical insurance scheme is designed to meet the unique requirements of corporate and individual clients. Cover can be taken from a minimum of Rwf 750,000 to as much as Rwf 75 million.
“It is really important that people working in the health sector get insured as this is a very risky area. A practitioner could inadvertently harm the health of people and the policy will ensure that the patients affected can get justice and also get compensated for proven cases of professional negligence.” Erhabor says that much more sensitization has to be done in order for the public to know more about the requirements of the new law and how Sonarwa has stepped up to the plate in this regard.
Sonarwa has over the years maintained a leading position in the Rwanda’s insurance space with shareholders fund in excess of Rwf 9.2 Billion and asset base of over Rwf 18 Billion,which makes her the largest and most capitalized insurance company in the market.
Sonarwa, with a brand equity larger than the size of its balance sheet is blessed with a resourceful and broad based board coupled with a well-horned professional ,focused and proactive Management.
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