When we met Alice, a student at the School of Finance and Banking, she told us about her dreams for improved service delivery in Rwanda. She told us how she has been reading all past issues of The ServiceMag online. Though, she is not yet on the job market, she says that the numerous articles she reads are preparing her for her future profession. Students from the Akilah Institute told us basi- cally the same story and how they actually use the magazines as learning materials in their classes.

The youth of Rwanda, aged between 14 to 35 represents 75% of the population and is undoubtedly tomorrow’s leaders but also main actors and beneficiaries of today’s Rwanda. For a positive visible and sustainable development of this country, the Youth should be the priority in everything.

There is no doubt that if we want to see excellent service delivery in Rwanda in 2020, it means that we start equipping students of today of basic knowledge on business relationships. Students of today are the professionals of tomorrow and need therefore to be sensitized and empowered with tools that can prepare them not only for the future but also for the present.

It is for the above reasons that starting from March 2013, we are adding a brand new section “Youth Talk”. Through this section, we want to prepare, guide, advice, and listen to the youth. We want to prepare you to become competitive in the job market, become job creators themselves, and be prepared to a sustainable socio-economic Rwanda.

Share your stories and thoughts with our readers us on our Facebook page and Twitter and email us on [email protected] . If you are still a student and want to join our team of young reporters, contact us and we will help you become a good writer.

If you are an organization and wish to partner with us in building the capacity of the Rwandan Youth, we would be happy to hear from you. Your support will go a long way in helping our future generations become more en-lightened, trained, well informed, become entrepreneurs, autonomous, responsible for a bright and professional Rwandan force.

The youth is definitely full of energy, ideas, vitality, great imagination, potential, capacities for action and should become our common priority. We all need to be part in educating and developing them by mobilizing resources for them for a better Rwanda.

That’s how they will become independent, professional and accountable citizens and as says Erasmus,” The main hope of a nation lies in the proper education of its youth”.

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