Know when to jump

December 18, 2014 0

If you put a frog in a vessel of water and start heating the water, the frog is able to adjust its body temperature as the temperature rises. It keeps…

The last but one

December 16, 2014 0

I met Graham, a young Kenyan aged probably 22 on a Matatu recently in Mombasa. He jumped on the bus while it was still moving and then realized there was…

Un leadership authentique

December 12, 2014 0

Nous sommes littéralement entrain de traverser des moments critiques, les meilleurs moments et les pires moments. Le monde entier souffre de crises incessantes et attend que nous apportions des réponses effectives à ses problèmes. Je crois qu’au-delà des autres crises auxquelles nous…

TSM Issue No. 20

December 10, 2014 0

In three months, we will be celebrating our 5th anniversary. As I decide to take a break from publishing this magazine in March next year, all I can say is…

Upgrade of Kigali Airport

November 26, 2014 0

RCAA: Upgrade of Kigali International Airport in line with planned Bugesera Airport By TSM Reporter Over the past few months, the Rwanda Civil Aviation Authority has been carrying out a…

Care Beyond Cure

November 26, 2014 0

When I was student at University of Rwanda College of Medicine and Health Sciences, one of our lectures used to say: “a good physician is not judged by the scores…

There are some places on our beautiful continent that no matter how many times one has visited, they always have to be rediscovered over and over again…simply because they are…