Exceptional customer care starts with first understanding customer care. There is no single definition of customer care. The main reason is that customer care is often seen as a performance measurement and a philosophy. Organizations, managers, customerfacing agents, customers, and everyone else often have a personal definition and understanding of customer care. This often is what determines how we serve, or expect to be served.
There is only one difference between all the different definitions of customer care that exist; the boundaries of the definition. Where the definition starts and where it ends. What it includes and what it doesn’t include. What it allows you to do; what it doesn’t allow you to do. The boundaries of the definition are what determine the level of service that can be considered poor, acceptable, good, or exceptional.
Unlike customer care, there is only one definition of Exceptional Customer Care. Exceptional customer care is the ability to meet and exceed every customer’s definition of customer care in an adaptive, and sometimes, creative way.
You’re ability to stretch your definition and understanding of customer care to a point that will allow you to accommodate every customer’s definition and understanding of customer care is what determines your ability to offer exceptional customer care.
It is true there are so many challenges and barriers that are often considered as the general factors affecting exceptional customer care. In the book, “7 Steps to Exceptional Customer Care”, the writer talks about customer care in a unique way. The book shows in a simplified way, suggests a simple and effective 7-step process that any person, in any organization or Industry can follow to be able to offer Exceptional Customer Care, irrespective of what are generally considered as challenges and barriers. Exceptional customer care always starts with you.
Launched: 15th of September 2012. Cost: 10,000 Rwf.
Copies are available at all public libraries, book stores, Nakumatt, and orders can be made by calling 0788 209209.
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