Over the past months, I have been working hard for a smooth transition with a new Publisher who was meant to take the ServiceMag to the next level of growth. Sadly, things did not work out and I am back to square one trying to make sure the boat does not sink.

Over the past years, our main objective has been to raise awareness about the importance of improved service delivery for both the public and private institutions. We believe that good customer service is key to an efficient, professional working environment that undeniably contributes to the growth and development of a nation.

However, a quality magazine like the one you are holding in your hands or reading right now online can only be sustained through partnerships with key institutions and not only through advertisement especially in an environment where the major stakeholders that understand the power of corporate communication are so few.

Today, almost five years since we started, we have grown beyond being just a free, quarterly, educative publication to becoming the major advocate for good service in Rwanda especially through our vibrant social media platforms and the award ceremonies we organize to recognize Best Service Providers and outstanding service employees.

Looking at our achievements today, we have every reason to be proud of ourselves and move on to more lucrative projects. However, that will mean, we accept the death of The ServiceMag like many publications that disappear after a few issues.

As I recount the number of encouraging messages we receive daily on the impact we are making, I have to admit that stopping the ServiceMag is just not an option. We are giving ourselves time to look into different options of sustaining it.

On a personal level, this implies that I put the other projects I had started working on on hold. It is a tough decision that requires even more sacrifice but I want to believe the journey will be worth it.

I call upon all those who love this publication to help us sustain it. We need financial sponsors to keep TSM alive. Thank you for your continued support. Education no matter its format, is what will take Rwanda and the whole of the African continent to the next level.

Enjoy reading and have a very merry Christmas and a prosperous 2016!

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