People say life is a series of events, I add, life is a series of goals. If you will look back, or even forward, you will see that in one way or another, consciously or unconsciously, you have been setting goals, or you have goals to meet even now.

You may have a goal to lose weight, to own that dream home, to close that hot deal, to date that person you see and feel butterflies in your tummy, to read a book per month and the list goes on.  Yes, life is a series of goals, endless goals! Achieving your goals may not be fun, it may be painful, it may require you to postpone your self-gratification or it may require you to tighten your belt.  

There are so many time wasters that stop us from achieving our goals. Most of these time wasters are self-generated. To achieve your goals, you will have to eliminate those time wasters, those things that stop you or even delay your goal achievement.

Time is a racing car but you are the driver! Take charge of your time. Know your priorities, don’t procrastinate. When you have achieved a goal, reward yourself! The little rewards in life will keep you motivated. Learn to celebrate your triumphs big or small.

Recently, I learnt an important lesson from my daughter Manuella. I went to the common candy corner and found it dry so I went to my daughters’ rooms to check if they had kept some by their reading tables. There were a few candies left in the box with a note with a stern warning! “One for Every Achievement, don’t touch”. The warning was clear! I didn’t touch. I couldn’t wait for her to come back from school in the evening to learn what this was about.

She explained to me her goal system…she sets goals on her performance in class work, on her weekly tests, on her elimination or reducing time for television, on sports and physical endurance. When she has hit her target or feels that a goal has been achieved, she will eat one-yes, only one candy.

I have my own reward system. When I have accomplished a goal, I like to reward myself. What I haven’t been doing, is making my reward so easy and less stressful. Like rewarding myself with an outing,  I learnt that rewarding myself could be easier and more fun!!

Set goals and reward yourself with simple and fun rewards.

By George Katureebe

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