Today many brands are yet to see the impact of running a blog can have on their performance. Many
brands still believe that blogs are just for small kids or any brand that just want to join the bandwagon,
plays “me too” game. What an individual do not know will rob him of its value. Blogs are gradually
becoming a positioning tool that helps some brands to stand out when properly done.
There is no denying the fact that great
blogs are products of strategic goal,
planning, dedication, commitment,
research, reading, and listening among
other factors. Content is key and
optimization of the blog, content is also
a great work.
For some who may not know what a blog
is, it is good for us to start this way, a blog
is the shorten form for the word webblog
which can be translated as a web
journal. Interestingly blogs have become
a veritable tool in social marketing. A
tool to gather feedbacks from the target
as it has transformed monologues to
conversation. Though what I have noticed
is that to have a personal, corporate blog
that will really help the brand, individual
needs consistent, compelling, creative
contents that draw people back.
Blogs offer visibility that a brand may not
have enjoyed before. It has also increased
˜linkability”. In a recent data released by
Technorati 2009, I understand that 71%
say they have greater visibility in their
industry when they have blogs. 56%
say their company is now regarded as a
thought leader as well as 40% have been
asked to speak at conferences. Adam
singers say “the importance of having a
blog today is premised on the fact that
the future is not telling it is showing”.
A blog helps a brand to remain in the
radar instead of being out of radar. It
helps a brand to stay in touch especially if
the blog has become a force in intelligent
and relevant knowledge sharing. A great
brand blog can help the brands make
more engaged customers who are
willing to give a referral, positions brand’s
expertise, launch a project as well as to
experiment with great ideas that the
brand may want to push. The instance
response to the ideas expressed on the
blog can provide a bird eye view opinion
of what the future of that brand’s idea
look like.
For brand to go far know, not being afraid
to give away free knowledge by the brand
will help to create a thought leadership.
If in doubt find out from many brands
that have recognized blogs. They will be
able to tell you that they enjoy WOM than
those brands that have remained silent.
Those who do not have spend more
money on pushing their ideas and they all
have to depend on third party to express
their opinion. Meanwhile strong brand
platforms in forms of blog can serve as
a voice for any brand to express its own
side of the story. This may/will help the
brand to enjoy public sympathy that may
not be there before. Interestingly many
strong brands now have a platform
through which they disseminate news
that may be of interest to them.
Without a blog today, you may be doing
a lot of damage to your brand without
knowing. Thought leadership helps
brand to stand out as well as fashion
out a strong niche that draws necessary
attention from the target market. I
know you have being involved in the
conversation but where is your brand’s
platform that guarantees your brand’s
voice will be heard loud and clear?