Chance TUBANE studied Information and Communication in Europe and together with her brother Patience NDUWAWE, founded COM&C LTD in 2009 and provide services such as Web development and Hosting, Software Development, IT Consulting and Marketing and Events Management. They launched in 2011 the 1st Online Directory & Advertisements Website in the country: TOHOZA.COM: Search & Find – Rwanda, that attracts more than 2000 visits a day.

2013 is another exciting year for them as they are busy preparing the 1st Edition of E-CWIPD (Empowering Creative Women Initiatives & Programs for Development). The concept will be a weeklong event with Seminars and Workshops to empower and teach women how to use and develop their skills. Their guest speakers will be there to motivate and share success stories in order to inspire women. When asked to explain the drive behind this picturesque plan, Chance explained that together with her brother, they agreed from the start that they would not only focus on the business side of things, but also find ways to contribute in the development of the East African Region, starting with their motherland, Rwanda.

These ambitious siblings realized the importance of combining their different skills and knowledge: Patience is ICT orientated, a knack for computers, whereas Chance is more at home in Public Relations, Marketing and Event Planning. As she put it plainly: ‘He is the brain, I am the advisor. He is the designer, I am the marketer.’

Chance says she the force behind her determination and dedication is derived from her mother who is very courageous in all she did. “She inspired me a lot! Working hard without giving up, believing in achieving our goals, no matter how unreachable they might appear to others, keeping faith in all situations and having strong confidence in the future no matter what happens: I got it all from her”.
 Another source of inspiration to Chance is Isabella Lenarduzzi, an exceptional woman she met in Belgium when she started working after her graduation.

She is her mentor and has inspired her into empowering others and contributing to the society. The E-CWIPD Project in preparation is inspired by JUMP: the 1st Forum for Active Women Isabella had created 7 years ago when Chance was a PR Intern in her organization, “At that time, I was a novice, professionally speaking, she trained me and I am sure she’d be proud of the young business woman I am today.’

Chance concludes by advising our readers to never give up on a great idea. Chance is driven and believes in her cause.
For more information on the E-CWIPD, contact Chance Tubane on 0786387755 or [email protected]

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