Marie Francine is the jovial always welcoming Customer Service Head, at BPR. She has worked with
BPR for two and a half years but has experience spanning over a longer period. Marie is passionate
about her job.

Marie Francine has worked as a
Professional Banker since 2008, when
she graduated from School of Finance
and banking .She holds an MBA in
International business Management
from Oklahoma Christian University.
She started her banking career with
Access Bank (Rwanda) as a teller, was
recommended to become a Branch
service Head in 2012, then to lead
Corporate Communications and Total
Quality Management in Access Bank
from 2013 until 2015. She joined
BPR as Marketing Manager and was
recommended to be the Head of
Customer Service and Quality Assurance
since January, 2017.
How did she get into Banking? Marie
Francine says she dreamed of becoming
a banker since she went to University. “I
have always considered banking a decent
and smart profession,” she says.
She loves her job and is constantly
inspired by customer feedback, friends
who encourage her. As a banker, she
feels that every day is a new day of
learning and she is happy that this keeps
her updated in business environment.
What does Marie enjoy most at her
present job? “My job gives me the
opportunity to embrace diversity,” she
says, “I am naturally passionate about
people and humanity and getting to
work and interact with different types of
customers allows me to see differences
in people and manage each differently.”
She is thrilled and finds great fulfillment
when she ‘turns an angry customer into a
happy one,” and she adds that improving
the service culture of BPR is one of her
goals and passions.
Even a well-loved job will have challenges
and Marie Francine admits that cultural
change and teaching people that service
should always be an attitude rather than
a profession has been quite challenging.
A typical day at work starts about 7:50
am when she gets to work. “Most of
mornings I walk around the banking
hall to see customers, attend to their
complaints and queries.” As the day
progresses, she works on different
projects that enhance Customer service
in BPR.
Her advice to young people seeking
to pursue a career in banking is, be
passionate about customers and fight
for their wellbeing, enjoy attending to
people and be good at problem solving.
She urges aspirants to also have to be
patient, ambitious and always have a
positive attitude even in hard situation.
Marie Francine is a mother and outside
her work schedule, she enjoys being with
her daughter and ‘hanging out’ with her

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