TSM Issue No. 16

December 14, 2013 0

Issue 16 features how UAP sets out to stretch the limits of insurance in Rwanda. We also have as usual articles in English, French and Kinyarwanda all aimed at helping…

TSM Issue No. 15

September 10, 2013 0

Skol Brewery behind Rwanda’s Beer Market success, BRD Celebrates 46th anniversary, Rwanda National Police & service delivery, How TIGO Rwanda tapped into expo’s potential to becomes tops

Marketing Ideas

July 21, 2013 0

Marketing tends to be seen by many business owners as a soft function, one of the first spending areas to be cut when times are tough. On the contrary, it…

Mentorship is defined as a relationship between a mentor, (the experienced one or the one who gives advice and guidance) and the mentee (the one who receives advice) on matters…

To Do Lists

June 27, 2013 0

The wonders of a TO-DO list. It is a fact that those at the top of mountain didn’t fall there. It is true that ability may take you to the…

“Don’t just sit with your arms crossed, wondering what to do, and seeing only difficulties. Take challenges as opportunities, be creative and donÅLt be scared to do anything.” By Maia…