YOUTH DRESSING FOR SUCCESS When aspiring to impress prospective employers, many a time youth in today’s tech-era and fast evolving fashion world are torn on what to wear to a…
Focus on Youth Leader, Innocent Ninsiima YOUTH INSPIRED: By Gloria Iribagiza At the age of 23, Innocent Ninsiima has positioned himself as a highly motivated leader and self-starter among the…
LA FRANCHISEJ’ai reçu une proposition d’ouvrir un magasin dans le nord du pays sous forme de franchise. N’ayant pas suffisamment d’informations, j’aimerai savoir comment cela fonctionne. La franchise est un…
Katia Manirakiza – Consultante LégaleEnvoyez-nous vos questions Légales à: [email protected] Ndi umuyobozi w’ikigo cy’umurimo nkunze kwibaza icyo guhagarika by’agateganyo umukozi ngo yibaze bisobanura? Ni byo koko bamwe mu bakozi banjye…
Joe Nsano – Legal & Financial ConsultantFurther questions can be sent via email to: [email protected]’s question:I own a Small Trade Business that requires importation of goods from neighbouring countries. For…
IMPORTANCE OF HYGIENE IN HOSPITALSBy Dr. Rachna PandeGood hygiene or cleanliness is a basic requirement for good health. The importance becomes much more in a hospital setting, where sick people…
TOLERANCE TO BAD SERVICE KILLS GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE By Eva GaraWhen we tolerate bad service we in essence are giving the service provider leave to continue in their bad ways.…
EVER TRAVELLED BY AIR AND ARRIVED WITHOUT YOUR WITHOUT YOUR BAGS? By Michael Otieno Your service contract with any airline you choose totravel with is pretty simple; to deliver you…
Ejo hashize nari mvuye I Butare, mfite gahunda yari gutuma inzozi nagize kuva mu bwana ziba impamo. Ibigo byubahiriza igihe mu gutwara abagenzi byo mu majyepfo ni Volcano na Horizon.…
Coin “enfants” le plus qui fait la différence Par Diana Ramarohetra« Mais où vais-je caser tranquillement mes enfants le temps que l’on papote ? Par question d’emmener les enfants faire…