The ServiceMag would like to invite the general public to engage in the next TweetChat to be held on Friday 17th February 2017.

We shall be hosting Mr. DANIEL SAMBAI, Country Director, Serena Hotels Rwanda. Log on at 11am to 12 noon with your questions, comments and suggestions on @theservicemag using the harshatag #TSMTWEETCHAT.

The TSM TweetChat takes place every fortnight and is an opportunity for business managers, owners and CEOs to interact with their customers, hear their queries and respond to their comments in a bid to improve customer service.

The ServiceMga Tweet Chat started to enable customers/citizens reach top management of businesses, corporations and organisations that serve them.

The sessions are also a way of bridging the communication gap between service providers and service beneficiaries.

We thank you in advance for your usual cooperation that is highly appreciated.

For more information:

Sandra Idossou   [email protected]

Call 078 878 1562

Publisher- The ServiceMag Rwanda


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