The ServiceMag is offering business owners, CEOs, Managers, top influencers, government officials, customers, citizens and the general public yet another opportunity to communicate, engage and improve service delivery in both public and private sectors..
Starting Friday 20th 11am-12noon, The ServiceMag will launch its forth-nightly Tweet Chat that will be an hour sessions for Top Government officials, business owners, CEOs or managers to hear directly from citizens/customers and to respond to their questions.
Citizens/Customers will be able to ask questions, make comments and offer suggestions on what they would like to see improve on services offered to them. This will concern health, education, transport, banking, and many more sectors related to our everyday life as citizens/customers.
Because The ServiceMag is committed to the continued improvement of service delivery in Rwanda, we invite the general public to join these discussions using the harsh tag #TSMTWEETCHAT.
Everyone on Twitter can take part in this exciting new opportunity.
Our first guest will be Diane Karusisi, CEO Bank of Kigali. (@dkarusisi)
How to Participate:
On Twitter, send your questions related to service delivery to @theservicemag adding #TSMTWITTERCHAT
The ServiceMag is a business magazine targeted at improving customer service by educating and informing service providers and clients in the private and public sectors. This is done through the production and distribution of a free quarterly magazine with articles in English, French and Kinyarwanda as well as on its vibrant social media platforms that attracts numerous followers.
Service Delivery and Quality of service remain a big concern in both small and big businesses and but also in public institutions. The need to improve service cannot be overstressed since the development of our countries is also based on effective and professional service delivery to all citizens.
Thank you for your usual cooperation.
Kindly find the attached press release and adverts for your use.
We thank you in advance for your usual cooperation that is highly appreciated.
For more information: Sandra Idossou [email protected]
Call 078 878 1562
Publisher – TheServiceMag
Knowledge is Power